Eurêka! is an initiative coordinated by volunteering parents. Its aim is to collect lost and found items on the school premises. If unclaimed, clothes and other items are donated to charity.

Please, find all necessary information on this page.

We would like to draw your attention to the importance of labelling your child’s clothes and personal items. In case of loss, it will help bring them back to them.

Please find the message from Eurêka! hereafter.

Today we are offering you an amazing opportunity!

You can save up to 100%!

All you need to do is come to the Eurêka! room and reclaim your long lost jacket, sweater, shoe, water bottle… And much more instead of buying a new one.

Everything must and will go at the end of February!

We will donate all unclaimed items to charity on 1 March 2024. So please get your stuff before then.

You will find information about how to do so in the announcement send on the SMS portal.

The Eurêka! Team