The European Week for Waste Reduction takes place from 16 to 24 November. EEB4 participates with a series of activities organised mainly between 18 and 22 November.
The Eco-Committee, which is involved in the Green and Clean School project, works on five parallel themes including Recycling and Waste Reduction, Biodiversity, Food, Global Citizenship and Mobility.

Zero waste snacks and meals
Pupils and staff members are encouraged to bring “zero waste” snacks and meals with them in order to develop good habits. By “zero waste”, we mean essentially no plastic or single-use packaging (aluminum, cling film, etc.)

Collection of used smartphones
In association with Good Planet, the school takes part in a collection of used smartphones, whether they are still working or no longer in use. The devices collected will be counted, weighed and sent to Good Planet (in collaboration with Recupel and Proximus). Appliances that are still working will be reconditioned where possible; defective appliances will be dismantled and their raw materials recycled where possible

The Eco-Committee of the secondary cycle organises a clothe swap, with the participation of Eurêka! Each secondary pupil or staff member (from any level) who brings in a piece of clothing will receive a token to exchange for another donated item or to give to someone if they were not interested in an exchange (maximum 5 items per person). Only people who bring an item and receive a token (or to whom a token has been offered by someone else) will be allowed to leave with a donated item. The surplus will be donated to the association Les Petits Riens.

Must-read in the library
Books connected to the theme of “zero waste” will be on display at the library.

Deleting unnecessary e-mails
All staff members are invited to start reflecting on e-mail storage. A mailbox clean-up campaign will be organised later during the year, during the second Project Week (February). The aim will be to delete unnecessary e-mails from professional mailboxes, in accordance with the School retention policy. The impact of this action will be calculated by estimating the amount of CO² not generated as a result of this deletion as storing an e-mail in a data canter for a year emits an average of 10g of CO².