The European Commission organizes paid after-school childcare for the children of statutory staff of the institutions of the European Union (from 4 to 12 years old). The childcare is located on several sites in Brussels: The central sites close to Schuman (Cole, Van Maerlant, Wilson/Clovis) and in all the European Schools.
Our Childcare Policy focuses on well-being and socialising, with children free to choose their daily activities to suit their needs. One of the guiding principles is the importance of ‘free time’ for children. The Childcare Policy is a tool that aims to meet the basic needs of children in partnership with families. The educational team plays an important role by supporting the child in his development through different activities that target specific skills. The snack time is often an opportunity for each child to express themselves through conversation. There is also a “Study” activity where children can go to do their homework.
The children are welcomed at the end of the school day by the educational team on the school site or in a central after-school childcare site. The Parents’ Association of the school (APEEE) is responsible for transporting the children to the central sites.
The children are divided into cycles (nursery, primary, secondary). The number of children per group is determined according to children’s ages, the size of rooms and any specific needs they have. Each group of children is looked after by qualified childcare staff whose role is to respect the pace of the individual child’s development in line with the general objectives set out in the Childcare Policy.
Monday to Thursday: From the end of classes to 18:45
Friday: From the end of classes to 18:00
Children are regrouped together from 18:30 (17:45 on Fridays) depending on the number of educators.
School holidays
During the holidays scheduled in the school calendar, as well as on the pedagogical day and on the school report oral day, childcare is organised at the different central sites and, if necessary and possible, at the schools. The childcare operates in “school holiday childcare” mode: The children are taken care of in the morning as soon as they arrive at the childcare site until closing time (Monday to Thursday from 08:00 to 18:30, Friday from 08:00 to 18:00). Prior registration is mandatory within the time limits provided via the eKidWeb application.
Outdoor childcare takes place during the Easter and summer (July and August) holidays mainly at the Overijse site. Prior registration is required via the eKidWeb application.
NB: No childcare is available on official European Commission holidays.
Registrations: Any questions relating to registrations can be addressed to the functional mailbox
Secretariat: Any questions for general information can be addressed to the functional mailbox
Parental deductions: Any question relating to parental contributions or tax certificate can be addressed to the functional mailbox
The content of this page has been written by after-school childcare secretariat.