After-school childcare

The European Commission organizes paid after-school childcare for the children of statutory staff of the institutions of the European Union (from 4 to 12 years old). The after-school childcare has a social mission which is to meet the needs of working parents and an educational mission which is to offer children a quality welcome centered on their well-being and their socialization. For more information, please look at the after-school childcare page the webite of the European Commission : My Intracomm.


The children are welcomed at the end of the school day by the educational team on the school site or in a central after-school childcare site. The parents’ association of the school (APEEE) is responsible for transporting the children to the central sites.

The after-school childcare policy is a tool that aims to meet the basic needs of children in partnership with families. The educational team plays an important role by supporting the child in his development through different activities that target specific skills. The snack is often a moment where each child can talk about whatever is on their mind. There is also a “Study” activity where children can go to do their homework.


Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: from the end of classes to 6:45 p.m.

Wednesday: from the end of classes to 6:45 p.m.

Friday: from the end of classes to 6:00 p.m.

School holidays

During the holidays provided for in the school calendar, childcare is organized at the various central sites and, if possible, at the schools. The after-school centre operates in “school holiday childcare” mode: children are cared for in the morning from their arrival at the childcare centre until closing time. Prior registration is mandatory within the time limits provided via the Kiddyweb application.

Outdoor childcare takes place during the spring (Easter period) and summer (July and August) holidays mainly at the Overijse site and if necessary at a central site. Prior registration is required via the Kiddyweb application.

NB: No childcare on official European Commission holidays.


Registrations: Any questions relating to registrations can be addressed to the functional mailbox.

Outdoor Childcare:

Secretariat: Any questions for general information can be addressed to the functional mailbox.

Parental deductions: Any question relating to parental contributions can be addressed to the functional mailbox.

Parents can also contact the AdP (Association des parents – Crèches et Garderies), which represents parents interested in after-school and/or holiday childcare centers of the European Commission, at the following email address:

The content of this page has been written by after-school childcare secretariat.