Frequently Asked Questions
Important information is sent to the new families at the beginning of the school year or when a new pupil is enrolled.
Please, read the Welcome Pack. It is issued every year.
- Hyperlink: https://passwordreset.eursc.eu/default.aspx
In the “username” box, enter your/your child’s username if you are resetting it for them.
- For example: namejane@student.eursc.eu (pupil) or the e-mail address given on SMS (parent)
A security code is sent to the primary parent registered in the School Management System (SMS portal), so not to both parents to avoid confusion.
This security code can then be used to reset the password.
When choosing a new password please keep the complexity rules in mind: at least 8 characters, one capital letter and one number. The password cannot contain the first or last name of the pupil and must be different from previous passwords used.
If, after following the above procedure, you still need help please contact the IT department.
To access My School – SMS you can use this link: https://sms.eursc.eu/login
You may also :
- Save it as a bookmark ;
- Use the button on the homepage of our website ;
- Find it by searching “SMS eursc” on any search engine.
Nursery and primary cycles
Please, contact your child’s class teacher by e-mail before 08:30.
After two days of absence, a medical certificate is required and must be given to the class teacher. For longer absences, the medical certificate must be sent within 48 hours (a scan, sent by e-mail to the class tacher, is sufficient).
Secondary cycle
Please, contact your child’s educational advisor by e-mail before 08:15.
After two days of absence, a medical certificate is required and must be given to the advisor. For longer absences, the medical certificate must be sent within 48 hours (a scan, sent by e-mail to the advisor, is sufficient).
In order to avoid any abuse and to guarantee all pupils the same amount of preparation time, any absence from class two working days before a test (A and/or B) or an announced examination must be justified by a medical certificate.
Please do not contact the secretariats.
All requests for leave of absence for personal reasons must be sent in writing (letter or e-mail), at least one week in advance, to the Deputy Director of the cycle concerned.
As a reminder, except in cases of force majeure, no authorisation to be absent from lessons can be given the week before or after school holidays.
To communicate a change of personal data, in particular on the SMS portal (School Management System), please contact: LAE-SMS-UPDATING@eursc.eu.
If your problem concerns O365: LIST-LAE-SKU-O365@eursc.eu
For any other IT-related issue: LIST-LAE-ICT@eursc.eu
Dates may change from a year to another. They are communicated to the pupils a few weeks before they begin.
Usually, the Pre-Bac takes place in January.
Usually, the written examinations take place the two first weeks of June.
Usually, the oral examinations take place the two last weeks of June and the first week of July.
More information on this page.
The student card is used to control the entry and exit of students. It is colour coded to identify students who are allowed to leave the school at different times of the day.
It is required for exams.
Students must be able to show their student card at all times.
Prospective parents are invited to an open day once a year, around May. Children are welcome to attend. The information session ends with a tour of the school. New families receive this information directly.
Apart from that, it is not possible to visit the school.
However, occasional events are organised in class. During some of these activities, parents may be invited to their child’s class.
If you have sent an e-mail to a teacher or a member of the administration (whose address ends with eursc.eu) and you receive an error message of the type “Undeliverable”, it may be because:
- The subject of your e-mail is empty: indicate the subject of your e-mail in the “subject” box under the recipient:
- The e-mail address no longer exists (the recipient no longer works at EEB4);
- The e-mail address is incorrect: check the spelling of the recipient’s first and last name or consult our contact lists*.
*It is possible that an e-mail address reproduced on the site or in a document contains an error. If you notice an error, please let us know so that we can correct it.
Lost and found items are collected by the Eurêka! volunteering parents. You will find all the necessary information, including the timetable of the service, on the website of the APEEE, under the tab Eurêka!
They are stored for a certain period of time before being donated.
We would like to draw your attention to the need to label your children’s clothes and personal items so that they can be returned to you if they are lost.
Please contact the APEEE transport department: transport@bru4.eu
More information on the website of the l’APEEE.
Please contact the APEEE: canteen@bru4.eu
More information on the website of the APEEE.
Please contact the APEEE : periscolaire@bru4.eu
More information on the website of the APEEE.
Please, contact the OIB.
More information here.
No, the school does not sell any products.
However, this may happen through projects such as the mini-entreprises or the Pupils’ Committee for example.
In this case, the school community is informed in due time.