Children already enrolled for the ongoing school year will be enrolled automatically for the following school year: No re-enrolment is necessary.
Terms and conditions of admission
Here you can find the Terms and conditions of admission in the European Schools (breakdown of pupils into three categories).
The Brussels European Schools are intended primarily for children of staff of the European institutions.
For Category III student enrolment, please refer to the conditions set out in article 7.4. of the Policy on Enrolment in the Brussels European Schools.
Level of integration
For any question concerning the level of integration, please consult the table of equivalences in Annex 2 of the General Rules of the European Schools. For age requirement, please read Article 49 of the General Rules.
Language section
For any question concerning the choice of language section, please refer to Article 47 e) of the General Rules of the European Schools.
Language sections at EEB4 are the following: BG (Bulgarian); DE (German); EN (English); ET (Estonian); FR (French-speaking); IT (Italian); NL (Dutch-speaking); RO (Romanian); SWALS (ET S5-S7, HR/Croatian).