1082 students
European Hours
The intercultural, interactive nature of the European Schools creates the opportunity for engagement, sharing and learning across cultures. Openness to other perspectives, understanding and respect ensure a spirit beyond the borders of the European Schools.
The syllabus for European Hours emphasises the concept of our being an inherent part of Europe and yet Europe being a part of the world and it contributes to the realisation of this.
A European Hours syllabus should help to develop knowledge and to foster in pupils an awareness of their national and European heritage (present and past) and identity, together with a global awareness and a respect and care for the rights and beliefs of others in order to create tolerant and caring members of society. As citizens of Europe and of the world, the pupils will have an understanding and critical appreciation of the values of other citizens, while nurturing a sense of personal identity, selfesteem and awareness of their particular capabilities.
Two of the objectives of the European Schools include giving ‘pupils confidence in their own cultural identity – the bedrock for their development as European citizens’ and encouraging ‘a European and global perspective overall’ while affording special status to the pedagogical traditions and methods of each European country. Within this rich multi-linguistic and multi-cultural environment the European Schools offer a curriculum, which supports the development of the pupil’s European identity, his/her place in European society and in the global world. The European Hours syllabus offers the framework for the programme of this subject in Primary (years 3, 4 and 5); it promotes a European spirit of tolerance and intercultural understanding.
How does it work in practice?
Each group of pupils works on an activity for 4-5 sessions. Each session lasts 90 minutes. The European Hours philosophy aims at enhancing the collaborative spirit and the solidarity between the members of each group. The pedagogical effort focuses on communication and on cooperation.
At EEB4, pupils participate in activities such as:
- Radio Confetti
- Choir
- Orchestra
- POP Band
- European Capital Cities
- European Art
- Cooking
- Etc.