The latin option opens the possibility of obtaining the following diplomas (1):
The LATINUM EUROPAEUM certificate is obtained by pupils in all sections and issued by their school, provided that they have successfully followed the latin course for at least 4 years (from S2 to S5 in a European School) and that they have passed a written and oral exam at the end of the year. The certificate is delivered at the same time as the end-of-year bulletin.
The LATINUM EUROPAEUM SUPERIUS certificate is issued to pupils after six years of studying Latin, i.e. on condition that they have successfully completed the optional Latin course given at the European Schools in S6 and S7, up to the European Baccalaureate and the Baccalaureate mark is greater than 5/10.
NB : The introduction of these certificates in addition to the existing regulations does not involve any cost.
(1) Both types of certificates are submitted for expertise to the Euroclassica organization. The objective is to obtain recognition by Euroclassica of the equivalence of these certificates with those already issued in Europe.