1082 students
Mathématiques sans frontières
The competition is open to (P5) S1, S4 and S5 pupils. The questions are written in French exept for one that must be written in a foreign language. All classes can tak part as far as they can express their answer in this language.

Enrolments are supervised by teachers and by class before the month of December.
More information on the website of the competition.
Concours Kangourou
The competition is individual. It is open to pupils enrolled in the secondary cycle S1 to S7). Every section can participate the Kangourou competition dedicated to their section language.

Registration is superfvised by the teachers. It usually takes places before the end of February.
More information on the website of the competition.
More information on the general site of the Association Kangourou sans Frontières.
La course aux nombres
The competition tests mental arithmetic. It is organised in class. The questions are written in French and are simple enough to allow each pupil with a minimum understanding of the language to participate in the competition.

Enroments are supervised by teachers in each class before the month of March.
More information on the website of the competition.