General Information PRI2025-03-21T10:20:42+01:00

1082 students


Primary Cycle

The European Schools are official educational establishments controlled jointly by the governments of the Member States of the European Union. They are legally regarded as public institutions in all of these countries.

The mission of the European Schools is to provide a multilingual and multicultural education for nursery, primary and secondary level pupils. They are aimed primarily for children of staff of the European institutions.

In the primary school the focus is on mother tongue, mathematics and the first foreign language, but art, music, physical education, discovery of the world and religion/ethics are important – as are the “European Hours“, where mixed nationalities meet for a variety of activities.​

Educated side by side, untroubled from infancy by divisive prejudices, acquainted with all that is great and good in the different cultures, it will be borne in upon them as they mature that they belong together. Without ceasing to look to their own lands with love and pride, they will become in mind Europeans, schooled and ready to complete and consolidate the work of their fathers before them, to bring into being a united and thriving Europe.

Mr Marcel DECOMBIS, Head of European School, Luxembourg between 1953 and 1960

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