eTwinning is a platform for schools across Europe to work together on a common project. It enables teachers to communicate, collaborate and develop initiatives with European colleagues and classes.
Each project carried out via eTwinning brings together at least two schools. The projects can focus on any topic, but they have to guarantee a good balance between the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) and the activities in class. They must be connected to the program of the schools taking part in the project.
The EEB4 received the eTwinning label in 2020.
The teachers involved this year on the eTwinning project have chosen to work on the topics of environment and climate change. Our pupils are currently working on a project in which they have the opportunity to explore ICT-related tools and practices. Our partners are located in Greece, Lithuania, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Romania and Turkey.
By the end of the school year, they will have worked, among others, on the following material and content: Posters, a climate glossary (e-book format), and a webinar.
More information about eTwinning.