Green and Clean School2025-03-21T09:58:13+01:00

Green and Clean School Project

This project aims at promoting a healthy school environment for our school community and to raise awareness about environmental issues.

Green initiatives managed by pupils and teachers are being implemented year after year. The Green and Clean School working group focuses on 5 main issues which are listed and described hereafter.

Waste reduction is one of the key topics the Eco-Committee works on through awareness campaigns and concrete actions.

Taps which can be used to refill reusable water bottles are available in bathrooms and staff rooms.

Pupils also work on communication campaigns, posters, exhibitions and on cleanup actions in and around school.

Recycling bins are available on the school playgrounds, in classes and offices.

Our school is located next to park (Laeken) and is home to fruit trees, ornemental bushes and flowers. One of the goals of the Eco-Committee is to foster awareness and good practices related to protecting biodiversity, particularly referring to the indispensable role of bees and pollinators.

The Committee is keen on planting flowers in the school garden and other green areas, such that in most part of the year pollen sources are present in order to support pollinators.

Green areas are regularly visited by classes and some of them occasionally plant a new tree or flowers.

Reducing food waste and raising awareness in the school community about the impact (measured via the carbon footprint) of the food we eat on the environment is another mission of the Eco-Committee.

The Committee aims at raising awareness among the school community and changing habits on the long run: meetings between primary and secondary pupils to discuss green issues; painting of a mural on reducing CO2 emissions; wish to adapt school trips (no plane, local trips when possible, etc.); growing a plant in class and providing the adequate care, etc.

Our school is easily reachable by public transports and by bike. The Committee would like to increase the number of pupils and staff members coming to school by bike.

Eco-Schools Label

As a Green and Clean school, we wanted our involvement towards becoming a greener school environment, our future actions and the ones we have already put in place to be acknowledged.

This is why we have started a labelling process to obtain an Eco-Schools Label. We have been awarded the label in 2022. It was renewed in 2024 for at least two more years (an external jury visits the school every other year to evaluate the actions put in place).

It rewards the efforts of the whole school community in a project related to our environment and sustainable development.

Join the team

If you wish to join the Green and Clean School working group or would like to share an idea, feel free to contact one of the coordinators of the project.

Used batteries and cellphones collection point

Our school is a permanent Bebat used battery collection point.

We also collect old (smart)phones and send them to Recupel once a year.

Pupils and staff members can contribute to the recycling of used batteries and phones by bringing them to their secretariat throughout the school year. The nursery and primary cycles collection point is located in the K building. The secondary cycle collection point is located in the T building.

Contact the coordinator for NUR/PRI
Contact the coordinator for SEC

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