1082 students
Pupils’ Mobility
General Framework
Temporarily visiting other schools in a different country gives pupils the chance to develop more intensively in many regards, e.g. to improve their language skills and to mature through experiencing a different educational and cultural environment.
European schools – both official and accredited – offer the possibility of hosting other students as well as supporting their students to visit other schools. Both can take place as real exchanges (visit and return visit) or as one-way visits. They are known collectively as “student mobility programmes“.
Mobility programmes take place regularly within the 1st semester of S5. However, if there are justified reasons, the 1st semester of S4 is also possible.
A pupil who does not find his/her L1 section in the hosting school will be treated as a Student Without A Language Section (SWALS), and vice versa a SWALS
pupil who does find a section of his/her L1 in the hosting school will integrate in his/her L1 section.