Helplines and services
This page contains contact details for helplines and external services.
Knowing the numbers to contact in case of an emergency can be useful in a critical situation, especially if you’ve just arrived in Belgium.
You or your family may also be going through a difficult time. The organisations listed below can provide you with the help or advice you need, or guide you towards the appropriate services.
You can always contact our infirmary, the school psychologists and the KiVa team if needed.
Emergency services
112 |
European Emergency NumberAvailable in all European Union countries in the event of a medical emergency, accident, assault or fire. |
100 |
Firefighters and ambulance emergency numberFirefighters service. Emergency medical assistance 24/7. |
070 245 245 |
Poison CentreEmergency medical assistance 24/7. |
101 |
Police emergency numberFor emergencies only. |
105 |
Red CrossAssistance and intervention in the event of disasters and catastrophes. |
1722 |
Fire and ambulance numberFor non-emergency calls, when there is no life-threatening alert but the intervention of the fire brigade is required (in the event of a storm or flood). Also available via an online form. Wasp’s nest. Also available via an online form. |
106 |
Helpline (NL)A free telephone number for the whole of Dutch-speaking Belgium. Offers a listening ear and the possibility of personalised exchanges by phone, anonymously, to anyone who is experiencing a crisis situation or moral, social or psychological difficulty and who wants to break out of their isolation. |
107 |
Helpline (FR)A free telephone number for the whole of French-speaking Belgium. Offers a listening ear and the possibility of personalised exchanges by phone, anonymously, to anyone who is experiencing a crisis situation or moral, social or psychological difficulty and who wants to break out of their isolation. |
108 |
Helpline (DE)A free telephone number for the whole of German-speaking Belgium. Offers a listening ear and the possibility of personalised exchanges by phone, anonymously, to anyone who is experiencing a crisis situation or moral, social or psychological difficulty and who wants to break out of their isolation. |
116000 |
Child FocusEuropean centre for missing and sexually exploited children. 24/7 telephone helpline. The centre offers active support in the search for missing or abducted children, fights against the disappearance and sexual exploitation of children and helps to support victims. |
0800/32.123 |
Suicide Prevention Centre (FR)24/7 anonymous telephone helpline. A team of volunteer counsellors trained by the centre’s permanent team listen to callers. People are available to listen to callers. The toll-free number is intended both for people experiencing a suicidal crisis and for those around them. |
1813 |
Suicide Prevention Centre (NL)24/7 anonymous telephone helpline. A team of volunteer counsellors trained by the centre’s permanent team listen to callers. People are available to listen to callers. The toll-free number is intended both for people experiencing a suicidal crisis and for those around them. |
0800/30.030 |
Écoute Violences ConjugalesThis is not an emergency line. A telephone helpline that enables anyone in difficulty or distress to find “someone to talk to”. It also offers an attentive ear, a response and possible referral to appropriate help and care services. The free number 0800/30 030 is available 7 days a week from 08:00 to 20:00. To ensure continuity of service 24/7, a switchover to 107 is provided. |
078/15.25.56 |
Alcoholics Anonymous (FR) |
0476/64.30.54 |
Narcotics Anonymous |
0800/111.00 |
Tabacstop |