1082 students
The European School of Brussels IV (Laeken) provides pupils with an exceptional opportunity to engage in two enriching programs: Work Experience (WEX) and Citizenship Actions for All Programme (CAAP).
These programmes are designed to offer practical experience, foster civic responsibility, and cultivate essential life skills, preparing pupils for future academic and professional success. Certificates earned through WEX and CAAP can be included in university applications.
The most recent framework for both programmes was officially approved by the Joint Teaching Committee (JTC) during its meeting on February 8th and 9th, 2024 (ref.: 2024-01-D-33-en-2.1).
Work Experience (WEX)
The WEX programme provides S5 and S6 pupils with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a professional environment. Through daily tasks and mentorship from their employers, pupils gain valuable insights into the realities of the working world.
Citizenship Actions for All Programme (CAAP)
The CAAP programme inspires pupils to contribute to their communities through volunteer work and civic engagement. It encourages empathy, leadership, and a deep sense of social responsibility.
Step-by-step guidance
Detailed guidance on the programmes, schedules, steps to participate, tips for success, in other words all you need to know about WEX & CAAP is available in this presentation.
For the 2024-2025 school year, administrative aspects are managed via the Teams WEX & CAAP platform.
How to find the documentation?
- Log in on Teams
- Go to → WEX/CAAP section
- Go to → Files
- Go to → Class Materials
A WEX & CAAP workshop was organised on November 11th, 2024.
- Form: Teams WEX/CAAP → Files → Class Materials → Link in the file titled “Choice WEX CAAP”
- Deadline: 15/01/2025
Step 2: Upload your CV and Motivation Letter
- Where to upload: OneNote WEX/CAAP → Personal Space → Pages “CV” and “Motivation Letter”
- Deadline: 15/01/2025
Step 3: Download and send documents to potential employers
- Location: Teams WEX/CAAP → Files → Class Materials → Introductory Letter
- Submit printed contracts: Prepare 3 signed copies and submit them to the programme coordinator (Room W. 330)
- Contract location: Teams WEX/CAAP → Files → Class Materials → Contracts
Important: Submit your printed contract
For both WEX and CAAP programmes, make sure to prepare 3 printed copies of the completed and signed contract (signed by the employer, pupil, and parents). You can deliver them to the WEX & CAAP Office – Room W.330 or hand them directly to the programme coordinator.
- Complete and submit the insurance form.
- Deadline: 30/05/2025
Step 4: Execution of WEX or CAAP
From 23/06/2025 to 04/06/2025
Step 5: Reports (Pupil and Employer)
- Teams WEX/CAAP → Files → Class Materials → Reports
- Deadline: 31/07/2025
Step 6: Receive Certification
Certificates will be issued in October 2025.
- 11/11/2024 – First WEX and CAAP workshop
- 15/10/2024 – Career Guidance (CG) session: How to write your CV
- 15/01/2025 – Deadline to express preference for WEX or CAAP and to submit CV and Motivation Letter
- 30/05/2025 – Deadline to submit WEX contracts and the insurance
- 23/06/2025 to 04/07/2025 – Work Experience takes place
- 31/07/2025 – Deadline to submit WEX/CAAP reports (OneNote)
N.B.: The placements can be done at different moments in the school year and also during the school holidays. A period that lends itself well for these programmes is the week(s) after the second semester examinations. It is recommended that WEX/CAAP to be organized at the end of the school year. CAAP can be also organized throughout the school year (one hour per week, outside of school hours, or during the holidays). Placements should be scheduled exclusively outside of regular school hours to ensure minimal disruption and avoid any absences for pupils (ref.: 2024-01-D-33-en-2.1).
Pupilq participating in WEX and CAAP placements within the European Union (EU) are covered by school insurance. For placements outside the EU, parents are responsible for:
- Arranging additional insurance coverage:
- Signing a disclaimer that absolves the school of responsibility;
- Covering all travel and accommodation expenses.
Placements in non-EU countries may be authorized if parents or legal guardians formally discharge the school director from all responsibility for the organization and follow-up of the work experience. Additionally, they must:
- Cover all transportation and medical expenses, including hospitalization for any reason (e.g., illness or accident);
- Submit a written declaration that absolves the European School of liability for matters related to the non-EU work experience.
Code of conduct
Pupils are expected to uphold professional standards during their placements. This includes:
- Adhering to workplace rules;
- Maintaining confidentiality;
- Dressing appropriately for the professional environment;
- Being punctual and respectful towards colleagues;
- Following any local regulations related to safety and cultural norms.
WEX and CAAP are available for S5 and S6 pupils. Use the visual diagrams bellow to navigate programme options and ensure successful completion.
Print the list and check your steps!
All WEX and CAAP documents are available on the Teams – WEX & CAAP platform under “Files” → “Class Materials”.
Please ensure that all completed documents, including your CV, motivation letter, and reports, are uploaded on time to OneNote in your Personal space.
Timely submission is essential for programme completion!
WEX & CAAP: Your pathway to certification and skill development
Completing the WEX and CAAP programmes is an important milestone in preparing for the future. By carefully following the outlined steps, pupils can ensure they meet all requirements and successfully achieve certification. Please note that the status of “WEX/CAAP Programme completed/not completed” will be reflected on the S6 school report.
These programmes offer a unique opportunity for pupils to step outside the classroom and develop essential skills for their future.
For more information, reach out to the programme coordinators or explore the dedicated Teams platform for WEX and CAAP.
Coordinators Room W.330
WEX (W.330)
Ms Helena ANJOS